#girl · Boy · contour · Lifestyle · makeup · monday · morning · Uncategorized

We’re allowed to feel

My heart and mind hurt so much that I wanted to throw up. I had so many emotions that I wanted to release, and all of a sudden they wouldn't come out. I spent a great deal of time writing how I felt, and mid-way through writing, I stopped. I didn't want to share because… Continue reading We’re allowed to feel

#girl · Boy · contour · Lifestyle · makeup · monday · morning · Uncategorized

Monday morning judgement?

Not too long ago, my best friend and I had a very interesting conversation. I live in the city. To get to my destination in a reasonable amount of time, I choose to take public transportation. While I am minding my own business on the metro, I can't help but wonder about other peoples' business.… Continue reading Monday morning judgement?